
Ryan, It's a Deal...

The following is a chat from this last week. As Ryan is suffering from some blockage of the writing, I will post this instead. Enjoy.

Dylan: whazzzzzzzzzapppp!

Ryan: Are you there?

D: yes. yes, i am. i am

R: I thought that was a cat!!

D: what are you up to?

R: Responding to my website client. Her budget has been slashed by 50%. Flash is definitely out. I'm trying to figure out how to handle her.

D: mmmmm
by the way, i'm loving mostly funny. how about you?

R: Yes. I'm reading your post right now...

D: i like the picture
lee majors kicks majors

R: I'm reading the e-mail version. I'll have to go to Mostly Funny in a sec.

D: the e-mial version is pre-lots-of-revisions
for some reason, I can't really edit until i see it published
then i edit the heck out of it

R: I like to edit-edit.

D: i don't know what that means... but i like it
do you think stephen hawking will get mad at me when he finds out i referred to him as "the guy in the wheelchair with the 'johnny five is alive' voice box thing?"
i kind of hope he does.
i would love to be cursed out by stephen hawking

R: Isn't that the name of his autobiography?

D: actually yes.
the sequel is "i am so dang smart your head would explode like a dropped cantelop
e if you knew half of what i know."

R: No, that's Gallagher's autobiography title.

D: i thought it was "please kill me because i suck."

R: No, that's Man E. Faces's autobiography.

D: i'm totally posting this chat on the blog.
anytime you can go from gallagher to man e. faces is a good time

R: I agree, growled Beastor romantically.

D: i was going to "go there," with a teela crack, but decided against it
i'm glad you went for it

R: So am I, whispered Battle Ram.
What an unoriginal name for a character, by the way. That was his name, right?

D: "ram man"
geez, i'm a nerd.

R: Yes, you are, cried Prince Adam.

D: he was my favorite he-man figure
well, him and the asian guy with the golden hand that chopped stuff
don't even get me started on g.i. joe

R: Why? After all, knowing IS half the battle.

D: g.i. joe was my religion. well, that and an utter devotion to the

R: Hey, I have to go to sleep now. Someone is singing a musical song.

D: goodnight, sweet prince adams

R: Goodnight, Orco.


tabo said...

You guys are brilliant! Seriously. You may not know this, especially Dylan, but you guys inspired me to start blogging again. Only problem is I don't know very many people in the blogger world. Translation: I have no friends. So I've resorted to sorting through the Blog of the Day (the stupid randomized blog link) to try to find some virtual friends.

I've found that they'll let anybody write one of these things. I don't care about 'Average Chick in NH' and her bed-ridden cat. I don't want to hear about 'Right-wing-nut-job' and his political rage against Kerry and everyone else resembling Lurch. And I certainly don't want to look at pictures of 'Joe Schmoe in the Alamo''s goiters. Well, okay, maybe there is a little morbid curiosity there. That point is there are a lot of terrible blogs out there. I want to read a good quality blog, you know, a funny one.

So thanks for curing my blogger boredom. I had nearly given up.

*Disclaimer: I like Chanel's blog. None of what I said before applies to ourcoloradoadventure. I like hearing all about her domestic animals and political views--and if you guys have any pictures of goiters I'd possibly be interested in those too.

Dylan Todd said...

Tabo - Welcome. Hopefully we will continue to entertain. If not, oh well. You get what you pay for.

Seriously though, welcome and congrats for being one of our first commenters! Yay you! We should give you a prize or something. Except we won't because we're lame like that.

Keep reading. Thanx - rdt