
The Time He Yelled "Colt Seaver!"

Ryan, again you're cognitive powers astound me. Yeah, the Fall Guy was pretty boss, I will admit to that. Not as boss as Knight Rider or the Greatest American Hero, but some solid preteen action fantasy entertainment. Also it has the second best theme song on TV (the undisputed best being the theme from the inadvertently funniest show of all time: Walker: Texas Ranger, written and performed by the Man Himself, Chuck "I Got My Chest Hair Ripped Out By Bruce Lee, Yes That Bruce Lee, So Don't Give Me Any Lip About How Tight I Wear My Jeans, Okay, Punk?" Norris).

The mention of the Fall Guy reminds me of an amusing anecdote from my days as an LDS missionary in New York City. I was serving in Washington Heights (where my cousin Jesse now lives - REPRESENT!). At the time, my companion was a small Ghanian guy named Adjei Yeboah who was a really nice guy, but... a little weird. He liked pregnant ladies. Like a lot. He would ask them if he could touch their bellies as we walked around the heavily-Dominican neighborhood, me tall and white and him, short and brown. Both of us as skinny as could be in our white shirts and ties, slacks and shiny black shoes. Anyway... where was I? Oh yeah. Yeboah was weird.

Luckily there was another companionship that lived above us in the two (three?) story apartment we lived in. Consequently, I spent a lot of time with our upstairs neighbors, Elder Hipps and Elder Higley. Hipps was from Mesa, AZ and Higley from Syracuse, UT. They were like Abbot and Costello: Hipps tall and skinny, Higley, short and stocky. (Higley, I will also add in here, was the most naive, simple man on the planet. He was as nice as could be, but... simple.)

Anyway so one night we were talking about this and that and somehow, the conversation turned to the Fall Guy. Hipps was talking and all of the sudden couldn't remember the name of Lee Majors' character. You know, the Fall Guy. The main guy. What was his name?

Well, this little episode of pop culture amnesia bugged Elder Hipps to no end. Time and time again, as the conversation moved onto other points of interest, Hipps would be heard to say, "What was his name?" Eventually, I went back downstairs for the night. The next morning I saw Hipps on his way out. "Colt Seaver!" he blurted. "I was laying in bed last night and started to go to sleep when all of the sudden it hit me, his name is 'Colt Seaver.'" Apparently he had yelled it out fairly loudly when it hit him in a bit of a "Eureka!" moment.

Now, whenever I hear any mention of the Fall Guy, which of course is like all of the time, I think of that moment or epiphany, that "Colt Seaver!" moment. In fact, I'm trying to get a law passed that will require people to yell out "Colt Seaver!" instead of the played-out "Eureka!" What does that mean anyway? It's probably Latin for "poo eater," or "Simon & Simon." I don't know. I have more important things to do. Like eat cookies. Or read comics. About people eating cookies.

Anyway, have you ever had a "Colt Seaver!" moment: a blinding moment of realization that laid bare the truths of the universe and rocked your world and also rolled you in the hay... hey hey?

Just wondering.


StreetDreams said...
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StreetDreams said...

I agree. I had the exact same moment when lying in bed with my girlfiend in the early two thousands. Colt Seaver! Since you're down with it I'll use it also. But I won't elaborate on it when I use it. It'll be like people should just know what it means if they're cool too.