
Ponderings On Ponderous Subjects

Ryan - I was just sitting here and wondering to myself things of the utmost importance. Philosophizing about the nature of the universe and whatnot. Really heavy stuff that would give most people - you know, the "normal people," like that Einstein character or that guy in the wheelchair with the little Johnny Five Is Alive voice box thing - an aneurysm just because they thought about it. Things that people like us think about when the rest of the world is too tired to think because that's what people like us do: we think. Like, a lot. About tons of important stuff and importanter stuff and other stuff and whatnot.

So I was sitting here thinking: What was better: the A-Team, Dukes of Hazzard or Knight Rider? I'm inclined to go with Knight Rider because: a) it's Hasslehoff in a leather jacket and a shirt that guarantees a peek at that luxurious chest hair, b) he's in a talking car, 3) the talking car has jet rocket things that make it jump really far and go really fast and finally, d) the car talks. But, see, Dukes of Hazzard, that was some rough stuff, what with the good old boys never meaning no harm and the jumping cars all of the time and things of that nature, and the A-Team had Mr. T and a buttload of explosions on a weekly basis. And don't even start to think about how difficult this ponderous pondering gets once you add Airwolf to the mix.*

So, you can plainly see, I'm in a bit of a bind. I need someone whose brain can handle questions of this magnitude without collapsing in on themselves and creating a black hole in the space-time continuum or something like that. Someone who can think beyond the thinking of mortal thinkers and think the thinking that needs to be thunked. Someone incredibly white. Someone named... you. Help a brother out.

*I left the Greatest American Hero out because everybody with half a brain knows that show was the bizz-omb on toast for shizzle.

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